Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jayden & Jacy

Aren't they adorable? This past weekend our favorite little girl turned 2! And we were there to see it! We drove all the way to Arizona for a short 2 day visit. It was worth every minute we spent in that car. My Mom, Andres, Jojo, Jayden and I set off on an adventure. Jeana decided that 12 hours in the backseat with Jojo was little more than she could handle. Everyone there was so excited to meet us and had already heard alot about Jayden. Jacy was so cute! She called Andres "boy", Jojo was "Jojo", and Jayden was "My Baby". She kept giving Jayden kisses every chance she got. Her smile was so bright and her personality was sweet as can be. Every time she would walk past Jayden she would acknowledge him in some way, either with a kiss or by talking to him or touching him.
This trip was very special because it was the first time the Simmer's have seen Jayden out of the hospital and awake. We have tried to meet up before but Jayden ended up back at the hospital knocked on with lots of meds. This trip was wonderful because he was his perfect little self. NO SEIZURES! WE can't wait to go again. Thanks Jody, Jay, and Jacy for being such wonderful hosts.

1 comment:

blessed said...

sooo cute! Friends are the best! Especially when they understand what you are going through! God bless!!