Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Big Decisions For Our Family

I have been struggling for a long time about whether or not Jayden truley needs to have a g-tube placed. Doctors have brought it up to me in plenty of past appointments, telling me how great the g-tube is. I have really taken pride in the fact that I am able to give Jayden all of the nutrients that he needs by feeding him bottles of pediasure and feeding him pureed foods. I think most of you would agree that he looks like a typical healthy four year old. Most people who are involved in his care are suprised to find out that he doesn't have a g-tube. This last episode of spending time in the hospital only confirmed what I have been dreading. Although I knew it would eventually happen it doesn't make it any easier to come to terms with. Jayden is tentatively scheduled to have surgery on March 31st. The docs tell me it is a fairly simple procedure, they do it all the time. This does not make me feel any better. I haven't been able to sleep at night because the minute my head hits the pillow I start thinking about all of the things that are about to change in the up coming weeks. In the past Jayden has always passed his swallow tests. This basically means that when he swallows the liquid or food it goes down his esophagus and not into his lungs. But with his last episode with pnemonia it is clear that he is silently asperating. Slowly but surely I am realizing that Jayden doesn't enjoy eating, infact it is a lot of work for him. I spend a good chunk of my day feeding him and trying to get his meds in him without him choking. With all of the time and energy I will save on feeding him a bottle I can use that time to focus on his other needs. This week I took him to physical therapy and they brought it to my attention that Jayden's left arm is getting a little tight and wanting to stay relaxed with his palm down. That just means more massaging and stretching for Jayden. I am sure he won't mind very much. Please keep Jayden in your prayers. Pray that we will make it through next week without any major problems and get to come back home quickly.

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