Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Jayden & Jacy Reunited

Jayden took his first ride in a big airplane. He and I flew to Arizona to visit the Simmer family. He did so well on the plane. He had to sit in his own chair so Mommy had to get creative with a blanket and neck pillow to keep propped up. He listened to his IPOD the whole way. It was a pretty cool experience.
Jacy and Jayden were so cute together. She wanted me to put on a blanket on the floor so she could play with him. She really enjoyed pushing him around in his wheelchair. I am pretty sure he didn't mind bumping into the walls. LOL. I just couldn't get enough of that little girl. She tells the most amazing stories, so dramatic and well thought out. She talks with her hands and you should see the facial expressions that go along with it. Jacy's little brother Jake had the sweetest smile. Jayden liked to lay around with Jakey and just do what lil guys do.
It was a really fun weekend. Jody and I got to spend alot of time together. It was amazing how much we squeezed into one small weekend. We got to go visit Mary and RJ whom we met through Jody and Jay. We consider them family. Thanks for Jayden's Teddy Bear, he really loves it. We also got to go to a Pampered Chef party held by one of Jody's friends. And we had a BBQ at Candy's house. I had so much fun and can't wait to do it all again. Thanks for having us!
I'll be posting some more pics soon.

1 comment:

Jody said...

We had such a blast with you guys! It was great to have you here!!! We can't wait to do it again!