Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Epilepsy Conference 2007

Last week Jayden and I were invited to the Epilepsy Conference at UCSF. His Neurologist Jen Armstrong-Wells asked me to speak on Jayden's behalf. The topic was VNS ( Vagus Nerve STimulator). Jayden had the VNS placed last August and it has truley increased his quality of life. Basically I talked about how much shorter the seizures are now that he has it, quicker recovery time after seizure, no more frequent ER visits, and NO MORE DIASTAT! UCSF has a very small population of VNS patients. The reason for this is because the Neurologist are skeptical because there is no proof of how this thing works. We don't know why it works but it works. I am very excited because Jen emailed me to let me know that we made BELIEVERS out of them!!! YIPPPEEE!!! This procedure should've been done alot sooner. Jayden seized out of control for over 8 months, trip after trip to the ER. Since the VNS was placed we have only called 911 three times. Two of those were because he had a high fever. I can only hope that the VNS will be used more often now at UCSF. Thanks Jen for asking us to come and be part of the conference.

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