Friday, July 18, 2008

Good luck Makaiya

I can't believe that Jayden's first school year has officially ended. I can still remember when I found out that he would be going to preschool and his early intervention program would come to a stop. I spent six LONG months dreading that day. But to my surprise I had a change of heart. Last November Jayden turned 3 and it was determined that Walton Special Center was the right place for him. We met a ton of nice people including Makaiya and her Mom Latrina. Makaiya was so fun to watch. She was definately ahead of the rest of the class. And because of that she has moved on to a higher functioning class at Hoover. It was the right move for her and we are all excited to see how well she does. Ladies we will miss you! Good luck and stay in touch.

1 comment:

Jody said...

I LOVE JAYDEN in the ball pit!!! How fun!