Monday, May 15, 2006

Jayden's busy weekend!!!

Last Friday night Jayden had seizure that lasted 1& 1/2 hours. I called 911, they ER had to poke him more than 20 times to get an IV to load him with meds to stop the seizure and give him brain a rest. When they finally got the IV it only lasted long enough to load one med and the vein blew. We went home about 4 hours later only to get home and call 911 again! He had a fever of 104 and went into a full blown massive seizure. I had already given him so much meds that night I couldn't help him. Within a couple of hours we were being shipped off to UCSF. They poked him 7 more times and still couldn't get an IV so were forced to put a GI tube through his nose to hydrate him because he wasn't coordinated enough to drink a bottle. He had a rough weekend and has a long road ahead of him. This morning he was put on the schedule for surgery to have a PORT put in. Hopefully this will happen really soon. A port is a device that they will surgically put in his chest. You won't be able to see it but it's purpose is to make sure that we will be able to give him the meds he needs ( like IV Meds) and draw blood without causing him any pain. You put numbing cream on the surface of the skin and I will learn to access it. I will be supplied with everything I need so that all the hospital has to do is supply the meds. This will make things a little less scary. It's hard to watch your baby seiz out of control and you can't help him. The reason they can't get IV access anymore is because his veins are scarred because of everything he has been through. The good things that came out of all this is that despite everything we still got to see Jacy, JOdy, and Jay Simmer. They came to the hospital to visit us. Jacy is the cutest thing. She just waved and smiled at Jayden while he slept in his crib at the hospital. He was to drugged up to even notice she was there. I know things happen for a reason, one of the best things that came of all this is the friendship we have established with the Simmer's. It's really nice to have friends to talk to that understand what your going through. I don't know how I would've got through the last year without her. Thanks JOdy, Love ya! Thanks to everyone who has kept up with Jayden's progress and continues to pray for our family. xoxoxo Brandy

1 comment:

Jody said...

We are so glad that we got to see you this weekend!!! Being in the hospital with you was just like old times! =) We hope that we will see you again, but under much different circumstanstances! You are doing a great job with him... he is SO LUCK to have you has his mommy!