Thursday, June 08, 2006


Jayden went 24 days without a seizure. BUT.... Monday night ended that record. Jayden's seizure lasted 19 minutes and I successfully accessed Jayden's port. This was the day I was dreading. I just knew that everyone was going to give me a hard time regarding his port here at the local hospital. But to my suprise.....the paramedic came right in the house saw that he had a line and grabbed him before the anyone else got up to the door. We call 911 so often that usually there is at least one person who knows Jayden. They walked up and asked," How much diastat did you give him this time Mom?" When we got to the ER everyone who saw him said the same thing,"Awww...he's back!" and "Hooray! He has a port!" They drew labs from his port right away and started giving him IV fluids. This is the first time in MONTHS that Jayden stopped seizing with 60 mg of diastat and also the first time the seizure has been that short. They were getting scary for awhile sometimes lasting an hour. Special thanks to UCSF nurses and Abbie who believed in me enough to teach me how to access his port. I did it! Jose says I need to go Nursing school. No problem, just stop the seizures!!!! They had never taught a parent before! YOu guys did a great job!

1 comment:

Jody said...

I am so proud of you Brandy! I knew that you could do it! I am sad that Jayden had another seizure, but encourged to hear that it was shorter and required less medication than usual! You are doing great little guy!