Saturday, June 10, 2006

Jayden And Mommy Ride In A Helicopter

Sounds fun right? Wrong. This morning at 3 a.m. Jayden had a massive seizure involving his whole body that lasted for 1 hr and 55 minutes. He was loaded with numerous meds that didn't seem to help. At last we were mediflighted out to UCSF where he is currently in the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) Right now he is stable and all signs of seizure have ceased. But what a scare. His seizures aren't usually this involved and I was really scared. He was blue and really struggling. I anticipate to be here until at least Tuesday afternoon, hopefully getting a couple of tests done (MRI). He just can't keep seizing in such a manner it is not safe. Please keep him in your prayers. Gotta get back to the room. Love, Brandy

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