Friday, June 30, 2006

It's Been Awhile.....

It's been awhile since I have updated you on Jayden's progress. We have been overjoyed by all of his lastest accomplishments. I have had so much fun playing with him lately, we all have. Jayden is so much more aware of his surroundings these days. I can get him to do more things on command. For example, If I tell him to kick his feet he does it. He also gives us hugs and kisses now. I ask him to give me "love" and he will put his arm around my neck. But you have to be careful with those kisses......the other day bite my cheek. Yes he has finally figured out what those chompers are for :) Meal time is no longer a huge battle, he'll eat just about anything as long as I mash it up for him. He's learning to drink from a sippy cup. I still can't really get him to hold the bottle or cup but he'll drink from either one. His favorite thing to do these days is pull Mommy's hair. He continues to get lots of therapy and has an appointment for Stanford in September with Dr. Sanger her specializes in movement disorders. I can't wait to see what he has to say about Jayden. Next week we will meet our new Neurologist Dr. Jennifer Armstrong-Wells @ UCSF. She'll be taking the place of Abbie Collins and those are some pretty hard shoes to fill. We miss you Abbie!

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