Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy Halloween

Hello everyone! We had big plans for Halloween. UOP had a Halloween party on their campus where students lead groups of kids around the campus to different buildings who were handing out candy. Jojo went as Captain Jack Sparrow and Jayden was Ratatouille. Jeana was a cheerleader/football player and Andres was Nacho Libre (that was pretty funny). Later that night we went trick or treating wtih Jayden's Nina Anne's family. It was fun to watch the kids get so excited for one small piece of candy, usually one they didn't even like. I think just the action of getting dressed up and walking around and watching the rest of the kids in all of their cute costumes was really fun. Jojo was running from house to house and couldn't wait to see what would be put in his bag. While Jayden took the more laid back approach sitting in his chair watching all of the excitement. When we would approach each door the people thought they were adorable and wanted to give Jayden candy too. I think Daddy benfited from that, lol.

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