Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fiesta Fundraiser A Success.

What a fun night! Many thanks to everyone who came out and joined us for a very special cause. The weather was great and the company was fine. What a success! Special thanks to Gloria Olivarez of Antonio's Catering for loaning us her backyard and making this event a success. Also special thanks to the Jayden's Wish Committee. I am so impressed with all of your hard work and dedication. You all went above and beyond to make our dinner fun and successful. I know that everyone who was there was definately impressed! I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thank you to Casa Mexicana in Lodi, Arroyo's, and Dos Hermanos Market for donating food. Dj Jeff The Music Chef you rocked! Luis and the guys, thanks for the beautiful music. There are so many people to thank and I can't possibly mention them all but I hope everyone knows how special you all are in our hearts. Because of you we can purchase things for Jayden that insurance won't pay for. I have already ordered his swing for our house. It's a huge thing and will be great for him. It was really fun to walk around and talk to everyone who was there. I tried my best to introduce myself and Jayden to as many people as possible. Thank you all again. We love you! Here are pics from that night.

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